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IT & Other Supports

Study Room / Library / Facility Use

  • Service Hours : 10:00~16:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • TLBU student ID check card can be linked your Hana Bank account, and also functions as a prepaid public transport card (T-money card) and proof of identity.

Fitness Room (Gym)

  • Service Hours : 10:00~16:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • The fitness room located on the F6 floor of Main building is equipped with many various weight training equipment.

TLBU Chapel

  • page - under updates
  • Mass

IT Service

Computer Division
Service Hours : 09:00~17:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • Network Connectiopn Service
  • Printer

Photo printing

  • Service Hours : 9:00~17:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • Network Connectiopn Service
  • Printer

Student Support Programs

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  • page - under updates

Student Service

Certificates and Transcripts

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  • page - under updates
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Type of Certification
Original Verified Stamp (Certified True Copy | 원본대조필)
Certificate of Enrolment | 재학증명서
Official Transcript | 성적증명서
Certificate of Graduation | 졸업증명서
Certificate of Completion | 수료증명서
Certificate of Scholarship | 장학금증명서
Certificate of Admission | 합격증명서
Certificate of Registration | 재적증명서
Certificate of Expectant Graduation | 졸업예정증명서
Certificate of English Proficiency | 영어증명서
Certificate of Prepaid Accommodation | 기숙사비납입증명서
Certificate of Residence | 거주증명서
Others | 기타

Student ID Card Issuance


Acdemic Affairs Office
Service Hours : 10:00~16:00 (Monday~Friday)
  • TLBU student ID check card can be linked your Hana Bank account, and also functions as a prepaid public transport card (T-money card) and proof of identity.

Alien Registration Card

Sexual Harassment Prevention Educationpage - under updates page - under updates page - under updates page - under updates page - under updates page - under updates

Visa Alterations

page - under updates.

Counseling and Health Services

Academic Counseling

  • Service Hours : 10:00~16:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • TLBU student ID check card can be linked your Hana Bank account, and also functions as a prepaid public transport card (T-money card) and proof of identity.

Student Counseling

  • Service Hours : 10:00~16:00 (Monday through Friday)
  • Individual Counseling: Students with a variety of concerns - Feeling homesick & experiencing culture shock, having difficulties getting up and going to classes because of feelings of depression, feeling upset over the break-up of a romantic relationship, having problems with eating, body image and self-esteem. Etc.
  • Crisis Intervention: When a student is facing a crisis or emergency situation, we encourage them come to the Counseling Center, during our regular daytime hours.

Sexual Harassment Counseling & Education

Sexual Harassment Prevention EducationSexual harassment is defined as any behavior including verbal and nonverbal actions, that may take place in social settings such as workplace, public entity, and school, that arouses sexual humiliation to other individual as .

Student Insurance

  • All incoming exchange & visiting students are obligated to obtain personal health insurance. Please enroll in a health insurance plan of your choice, as there is no designated insurance service provider but it is recommended that you choose a study abroad plan which will cover medical expenses to be incurred during your exchange in Korea. Mandatory insurance plans provided at your home institution will be sufficient, but proof (an official letter) must be provided.
  • Spreading rumors about others’ sexual relationship or sex life
  • Habitually uttering sexual analogy or evaluating others’ appearance